
My early nutrition training taught me supplements were unnecessary for the most part, if one had a healthy balanced diet.  That was then, but this is now! In today’s environment, most people benefit from at least some basic supplements to optimize their health.

One simple reason is because many of us do not have a healthy balanced diet 100% of the time. Our fast paced lifestyles certainly make it challenging to have time to prepare healthy meals. Consequently we often rely on processed and fast foods to feed ourselves and our families.

What About the RDA’s?

The RDA values are the “Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA): average daily level of intake sufficient to meet the nutrient requirements of nearly all (97%-98%) healthy people.

What determines who falls into this range?  What if your individual requirements are out of this range?

Further, poor food and lifestyle choices can result in even minor nutrient imbalances. These imbalances affect how systems in our body function. Subsequently we may develop symptoms we often ignore. 

Supplements can help support some of these imbalances, but of course are not a substitute for real food!

How Do I Choose?

Unfortunately there is a ton of misinformation about supplements. And to say the least, the research can be confusing.  Further it makes it difficult to decide if we need supplements and how to use them. 

In addition, it is important to know the supplement industry is not regulated.

Buying supplements at your local supermarket or drugstore does not guarantee they are safe, effective, or of good quality.

Because of my functional nutrition training and experience, I can help you decide how supplements might benefit your health .  As a health care professional, I am able to provide you access to excellent quality supplements.

Purchase products through our Fullscript virtual dispensary.

IMPORTANT PLEASE NOTE:  I provide access to purchase what in my opinion are high quality supplements.  In full disclosure, please note if you do purchase supplements through any of the links provided, I do receive a small percentage of the sale.  Use of supplements should be considered carefully and should be personalized to your individual needs. It is important to note that there may be supplement/food/medication interactions, and always first consult with a healthcare professional before beginning to use any supplements.  Any supplement recommendations are solely general suggestions based on Kathleen Fulgione’s experience with those particular supplements and in no way are personal recommendations for anyone.  I have not used every supplement or product available on the supplement company’s websites I’ve provided links to.  Therefore I do not endorse the services or products of any supplement companies I provide access to.